Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Break The Ice In Your Class

5 Creative Ways To Get Your Class Talking

They are even more important if your students do not know one another well either. Depending on how your school organizes its classes, you may use these types of activities primarily at the beginning of the school year. You can also adapt icebreakers into activities to use when starting new topics. It is sometimes easier for students to share their ideas if they know the rest of the class will have to share theirs too.
Here are some fun icebreakers you can do with almost any class.
Try These Ice-Breakers:
1. Learn The Names
In order to learn students’ names, you can conduct an activity where students take turns saying their name. You can make this more challenging by having students say the name of the last student to speak or even the names of all the students who have already said their name before saying their own name. To make it more interesting and to learn a little more about your class, ask students to include something specific such as their favorite cereal, color, sport, or movie. By the end of the activity you should try your best to say every student’s name. If students are learning the names of their classmates for the first time, conduct some other name activities for practice. For one activity, have students stand in a circle, on a student’s turn he should say a word or sentence related to whatever prompt or topic you choose, and then call out the name of a classmate to go next.
2. Find Someone Who...
If students know one another’s names, get them talking about some other topics by having them play “Find Someone Who ~” where students ask and answer questions based on pictures or phrases to find someone for each question who can answer “Yes.” The model question for this activity could be “Do you like ~.” or “Do you have ~.” After five to ten minutes, depending on the number of questions students have to ask, have everyone sit down and call on students to read some of the answers, for example “Ben likes soccer.” this way the class can learn more about individual students. Try to encourage students to give sentences about people who have not yet been mentioned. This gives everyone the opportunity to share something.
3. Talk and Remember
Another activity gets students talking with the people seated around them. Have students talk to the person to their right about hobbies for instance. After a minute or two have students turn to the person to their left and talk about another topic. You could also do this as a mingling exercise where students have a limited amount of time to exchange information before moving on to the next person and conversation topic. Be sure to ask some students things they learned about their peers at the end of the activity so that they try their best to remember the conversations they had.
4. What's Important
If your class is quite small you may also consider having students think about the three things they would take with them to a deserted island and then share why they chose one or all of those things. This is an excellent way of getting to hear about what is important to your students and how they are able to organize their thoughts. If your class is larger, you can conduct the same activity in groups which is good for getting students talking with one another but will exclude you for most of the activity. Another similar group activity is to have students write down the first word that pops into their head when they hear you say a certain color. Students can then discuss why they chose certain words in their groups or just have the student with the most unusual choice explain his choice. After a few minutes give them another color to think about and discuss. Groups should present the class with a brief summary of their discussions towards the end of the lesson.
5. Three Adjectives That Describe You
For introductions, you could also have students choose three adjectives to describe themselves. Perhaps a the end of the year have students fill in adjectives for all their classmates, nothing mean spirited, and give students a summary of what their classmates said about them in the last lesson. This should give students some positive reinforcement and point out their personality strengths. It may be interesting to compare these with the adjectives students chose to describe themselves too.
Icebreakers are excellent because they give students the opportunity to share things about themselves and learn about their peers. These activities often get students moving or thinking creatively. They can be lots of fun and dissolve any tension or nervousness there might be in your classroom. It is important that students be able to interact with one another easily because learning English is all about communication. Students will need to be comfortable sharing ideas with the class and talking with other students in groups or in pairs on a regular basis.

OK guys, Do you have other ideas????

Sumber Postingan Syams Akbar pada Grup Master Teacher of English


1. Password, please! 
Language Focus: Vocabulary Building
Usage Level: Level 2 - 6
Notes: This game will teach the children how to answer and respond on any theme. The competition makes it merrier, since it is also challenging.
1. List of questions in theme of learning
2. pictures of the topical objects
3. stopwatch
1. Split the kids into groups of about 5/6 kids. Move the desks into little islands.
2. Give them a topic (e.g. fruits, sports, foods, animals etc.)
3. The first team says a word from that category (e.g. "Apple " for fruits). If they can do it they get a point.
4. Go to the next group and ask them for another word from the same topic.
5. If they repeat a word that's been already said, or can't think of one, you move onto the next team and they gain no points!
6. Repeat from 4
7. When all the words in the category have been used then change to a different topic. Sometimes saying "any English OK!" is a good topic. Also try maybe giving 1 point for an easy word (e.g. "cat") or two for a difficult word (e.g. elephant).
2. English Game for all level ‘Who am I’
English Game for all level ‘Who am I’ you can use this game simulation with any language building purposes. Not only for Vocabulary and Pronunciation but also to enhance students’ speaking and listening skill through asking question on this simulation game. The students need to have the freedom on exploring their own words to enable them using it in the free conversation.
List of words and or flashcards in several written famous names (mixed nationalities) Examples of word list: 1. Soekarno 2. Alber Einstain 3. Mother Teresa 4. Germany
Divide the class into two teams, team A and team B or boys and girls. If you like, you might choose them randomly. Tape a name on the forehead of each student. The amount for each team may vary depends on the least number of members in a group. The two groups make a long line facing face by face. The individual student should not see his or her paper, but the others should. Then, like with 20 questions, only yes or no questions should be asked. Perhaps start from group A the first student and ask "Am I am man?" If the answer is yes, he/she can ask again, but if the answer is no, it's the next person's turn for group B. Play until everyone has guessed who he or she is! This can be played with nationalities, countries, household objects, anything and it's a gas, especially for adult. The fastest group which can guest who she or he is, is the winner. The winner can be given a reward and the lose team must try again on the next game.
Language Focus: Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Speaking and Listening.
Level: Any level (adult is recommended)
3. Words Pertise
Language Focus: Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Writing and Structure (verbs) building
Usage Level: Level 3 - 5
This is the combination of three skills in one game that can be introduced at once. The students will explore more on imagining how the words look like, knowing the letters that made up the words and say the correct pronunciation of the words. Plus to have the competition will make it merrier to be the best team.
1. List of words and or flashcards in several setting and theme (kitchen, bathroom, dining room, fruit, animals, sports, etc)
2. blank sheets of paper
3. whiteboard along with the board marker
Step 1
The teacher may start with dividing the students into 2 groups of whatever number as you can possibly build. The students of each group make 2 lines facing the whiteboard. The teacher, then, stands in front, in the middle of the two groups. The game is started right after the teacher say or shows (in flashcards) the word that has to be written by the first member of each group without peeking. The game continues when the teacher say the other words for the other members of the group to be written on the whiteboard, taking turns.
After finishing the writing session, now the teacher offers extra points by having the pronunciation session. Each member of the two groups must say the words in correct pronunciation. There are extra bonuses for those who can pronounce the words correctly.
Step 2
There are two groups competing to be the winner in guessing the words from the mime expression, and then they say and write the words.
One representative from each group in turns doing mime, giving the clues to be guessed by other members according to the list of words given by the teacher. The winner is the group which can guess, write and say the abundant of words in exact forms.
Happy teaching, guys!

6 Kesalahan Fatal dalam Mengajar Bahasa Inggris

6 Kesalahan Fatal dalam Mengajar Bahasa Inggris – Di bawah ini, terurai beberapa kesalahan yang termasuk fatal ketika guru mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas.
✿1. Guru terlalu banyak mengambil porsi “Teacher’s Talk”. Dalam mengajar speaking (berbicara) hal ini merupakan kesalahan fatal yang terkadang tidak disadari oleh guru. Guru terlalu bersemangat sehingga kurang memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk berbicara. Padahal dalam kegiatan speaking siswa harus lebih aktif berbicara dari pada guru. Untuk hal ini, guru perlu lebih mengevaluasi porsi berbicaranya, namun bukan berarti guru hanya diam dan tidak memberikan koreksi.
Guru tetap mengevaluasi aspek-aspek dalam speaking yang harus dipenuhi oleh siswa. Guru mungkin perlu membuat kegiatan yang memberikan banyak kesempatan siswa berbicara misalnya dengan teknik diskusi, story telling, presentasi, dan teknik-teknik lainnya yang mengacu pada communicative approach (pendekatan komunikatif). Dalam kegiatan tersebut guru berperan sebagai fasilitator, memberikan instruksi, memberikan contoh secukupnya, evaluasi, serta saran atau kritik. Selebihnya biarkan siswa mengeksplor diri mereka.
✿2. Membiarkan siswa berbicara dalam bahasa Indonesia sepanjang kelas bahasa Inggris berlangsung. Dalam artian, siswa tidak diajak untuk berusaha berbicara bahasa Inggris dan siswa tidak berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris sedikitpun dalam proses belajar. Mungkin bisa diberikan system reward dan punishment bagi siswa yang aktif dan bagi siswa yang enggan mencoba atau yang kedapatan tidak berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas.
✿3. Berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan level yang tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa. Maksudnya adalah bahasa Inggris yang digunakan dalam memberi instruksi atau penjelasan kepada siswa tidak sama levelnya dengan kemampuan siswa. Gunakanlah diksi-diksi atau istilah-istilah yang sederhana dan yang lebih mudah dimengerti oleh siswa. Sesuaikan pula kecepatan dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan kecepatan daya tangkap siswa.
✿4. Menginterupsi jawaban siswa atau mengoreksi sebelum siswa menyelesaikan kalimatnya. Ketika siswa sedang berusaha menjawab dan menyelesaikan kalimatnya, tunggulah sampai ia selesai, kemudian barulah kita mengoreksi.
Biarkan siswa menjawab dengan apa yang mereka tahu dan yang bisa mereka katakan dalam bahasa Inggris, bagaimanapun yang mereka ucapkan dalam bahasa Inggris. Setelah mereka menyelesaikan kalimatnya, barulah koreksi jawaban mereka. Kita bisa meminta siswa lain untuk membantu sesama rekan mereka atau juga kita bisa memberikan contoh atau model yang lebih tepat.
✿5. Tidak memeriksa pemahaman siswa. Kebanyakan siswa hanya mengangguk jika ditanya sudah paham atau belum. Namun, perlu dikonfirmasi ulang tentang makna dari anggukan tersebut. Apakah mereka benar-benar paham? Untuk mengetahuinya, Kita perlu memeriksanya dengan cara memberikan soal latihan, minta siswa maju ke depan kelas dan menjawab soal latihan tersebt secara bergantian, bisa juga dengan meminta mereka memberikan contoh dari apa yang telah kita jelaskan, atau meminta mereka untuk menjelaskan kembali penjelasan kita.
✿6. Berfokus pada aktivitas siswa di kelas daripada apa yang sebenarnya mereka butuhkan. Pembelajaran di dalam kelas memang perlu menyenangkan bagi siswa dan membuat siswa aktif di dalam aktivitas belajar dan mengajar. Namun, kita perlu mengingat tentang pentingnya kebutuhan siswa yang sesungguhnya, tentang materi yang sebenarnya mereka butuhkan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Siswa tidak selalu tertarik pada game, diskusi kelompok, atau aktivitas yang mendorong keaktifan mereka.
Kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan membuat siswa aktif tetap diperlukan, tetapi kita perlu mengutamakan kebutuhan siswa. Kita tidak hanya bertugas mengefektifkan waktu dalam durasi pembelajaran di kelas, namun yang terpenting juga adalah memenuhi kebutuhan siswa, kebutuhan tentang apa yang ingin dicapai oleh siswa, kompetensi dan kemampuan yang perlu dipenuhi siswa. Pastikan bahwa serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang kita ciptakan focus dan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan siswa.

Sumber: Postingan Syams Akbar pada Grup MasterTeacher of English

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Fun Games & Activities for Teaching English in MTs/SMP

Bringing games into the classroom can be a great way to creatively engage students with their learning and have fun while taking a break from the usual classroom routine. Use games to work on new material, review topics before a test or exam or just give students the chance to practice what they're learning in a fun way. Games can be modified for students of all skill levels and reading comprehension.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•٠·˙ Classroom Jeopardy
Bring the classic game of Jeopardy into the classroom by creating categories and questions that pertain to the subject you're covering. Tape pieces of paper with monetary values written on them to the board to create the Jeopardy categories, write appropriate questions underneath them and remove each piece of paper as students choose questions. Keep track of points, and remind students to phrase their answers in the form of a question for fun.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•٠·˙ Guess That Character
This game is a great way to get students thinking about the characters in a book the class is reading. Assign each student a character name from the book, and have the students do some research on their characters. Students aren't allowed to tell each other which character they are, but they can ask each other questions to try to figure out who everyone is. Whichever student guesses who her classmates are first, wins.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•٠·˙ Fix It
This activity is for junior high students working on their grammar skills. Write out examples of sentences with mistakes on slips of paper and put them into a jar. Have students pick sentences out of the jar and correct the mistakes on the back of the paper. Turn it into a race and have students see how many sentences they can fix in a short amount of time. Award points for the most successfully corrected sentences at the end.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•٠·˙ Spell It
This game gives students a chance to work together to spell out vocabulary words. Arrange students into a line, and say a vocabulary word from the current lesson aloud. Have the students spell it out, with each student saying one letter and going down the line until the word is complete. For a challenge, divide students into two groups and have them compete to spell the word correctly, going back and forth and allowing teams to complete incorrectly spelled words from the other team.

Sumber: Postingan Syams Akbar Pada Grup Master Teacher of English

Tips Mengasah Otak Siswa Sehingga Tidak Tumpul

Mengetahui suatu hal saja tidak cukup, kita harus praktek. Sebagai contoh, kita tahu sebuah cara belajar bahasa Inggris yang jitu. Kita sudah membaca banyak tips. Namun, ketika kita tidak mempraktikkan semua tips tersebut secara konsisten, maka semuanya hanya untaian kata yang kosong.
Inilah sebuah hal yang sejatinya juga harus disadari dalam dunia pendidikan Indonesia. Ada banyak anak yang setiap hari hanya diberikan teori dan teori. Mereka hanya diberikan rumus dan bahan bacaan, kemudian menghafalkannya untuk sukses di ujian. Padahal, pada kenyataannya semua itu membuat otak kanan siswa tumpul. Melalui segudang teori yang diberikan, siswa secara langsung hanya mampu menerima hal yang sudah jadi. Logika berpikir serta kreativitas mereka tidaklah diasah.
Tidak heran apabila banyak anak yang dianggap jenius karena ranking satu dikelas, namun tidak mampu menghasilkan banyak karya ketika mereka lulus.
Berikut ini beberapa hal yang bisa dijadikan sebagai solusi terhadap masalah-masalah kurangnya praktik di kelas.
▓ ► Bangkitkan Logika Siswa
Kita tidak bisa hanya memberikan teori secara langsung kepada siswa. Berikan mereka logika-logika terlebih dahulu kepada mereka agar mereka memahaminya. Integrasikan pelajaran yang Anda bawa di kelas dengan kejadian sehari-hari.
Saya memiliki teman, seorang guru fisika. Ia menjelaskan gaya tarik dan gaya dorong di pelajaran fisika dengan menyuruh siswa secara berpasangan untuk saling mendorong meja. Tujuannya apa? Agar logika mereka terbangun dan agar siswa tidak serta-merta hanya menerima teori.
Buat siswa Anda berpikir dahulu bagaimana teori tersebut bisa terjadi. Baru Anda berikan teorinya secara lengkap.
▓ ► Hidupkan Kegiatan Organisasi di Sekolah
Tidak dipungkiri, organisasi merupakan hal yang sangat sangat bermanfaat. Organisasi adalah gerbang seorang pelajar menuju dunia nyata. Di dalam organisasi, seorang siswa belajar berinteraksi, memahami satu sama lain, bekreasi, manajemen sumber daya manusia, dan manajemen waktu.
Salah satunya organisasi pramuka. Ketika seorang siswa harus mengikuti lomba, maka ia berada di situasi yang membuatnya harus mengatur waktu antara sekolah dengan persiapan lomba. Ia juga harus menjadi seorang yang mampu berkreasi dengan baik sehingga menang diperlombaan. Lebih jauh lagi, siswa tersebut ditekankan harus berinteraksi dengan temannya agar koordinasi tim di perlombaan berjalan maksimal.
Melalui segudang tantangan tersebut, saya yakin seorang siswa mampu lebih pintar menguasai dunia yang sesungguhnya, bukan Cuma menguasai dunia teori yang ada di kelas.

Sumber Postingan Syams Akbar pada Grup Master Teacher of English